Stephen Myamba
About me
Experience in Project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, managed projects using PCM and Logframe frameworks, programme management, Gender analysis and mainstreaming into programmes, Contribution Management within SIDA framework, coordination, delegation, result based management, research, data collection, interpretation and analysis, rights-based approaches programming, demanding accountability, partnership building, collective responsibility, representation to government and other development partners, liaison officer. Implemented Livelihood and Education projects.
Work Experience
Regional Field Coordinator
International Rescue Committee
Supporting the Country Director as a Senior Management Team member as well as programmes implementation coordination at the field level for education, Gender Based Violence, Child Protection, Livelihood, Youth, Protection, Economic Empowerment and Rule of law, both for Refugees and communities surrounding camps. We partner with UN agencies, other partners (Redeso, Plan, Save the Children, NRC, DRC, Caritas, Right to Play, Baba Watoto, Red cross, Help Age and the government. I am directly responsible with supporting programmes designs and implementation, establishing partnerships, external relations, coordination of programming for various sectors, supporting the research, designing, planning, implementation, monitoring, learning and reporting. I am a focal person with UNHCR funding which is entirely for refugees programming support, monitoring using Multi-Functional Teams approach with UNHCR partners, reporting and funds management (budgeting, expenditure and programme and financial audits). From 2022 IRC is a consortium member in the implementation of Shule Bora programme, and leading implementation of safeguarding issues, Child protection, safe schooling as well as prevention of Violence Against Children in the 9 regions working in partnership with government authorities from the School, Villages, Ward, Districts, Regions and Ministry level (PO RALG and MoEST).
Regional Coordinator and Team Leader
Cambridge Education-Mott-McDonald
Regional Coordinator (and Regional Team Leader-Kigoma region) Cambridge Education-EQUIP Tanzania, a DFID funded programme, working in partnership with the government. Region: Kigoma, Katavi, Shinyanga, Simiyu and Mara: -Jan 2016- August 2019. Role: Representing the Programme Management Agent: Implementing education improvement programme in collaboration with Ministry of Education Science and Technology and President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government on Education Quality improvement programme, Office lead, Grants management and related fiducial monitoring and management functions. Conducting programme reviews, evaluation, budgeting, and reporting. Supporting the Regional Secretariat (RSec) technically, financial advisory functions and advice on technical and financial issues regarding programme compliance and performance implementation including grants management, Income Generating Activities and reporting. Dealing with education access and quality from pre-primary to lower secondary education. Specifically my functions were on technical support and leadership on Teacher trainings and capacity building; School leadership and administration, school managements, school information systems and curriculum implementation and management; District management and Planning of education projects, budgeting and budget management and implementation, Livelihood planning and management, Community engagement strategies and school-community relationship management as well as Monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of learning outcome and lessons learnt. We initiated Satellite Schools and infrastructure intervention for the access to quality leaning spaces and ECD to all children especially those living far from Mother schools, which at least 70% of them have been registered as full-fledged schools. Throughout the programme implementation, I was engaged with both community, schools, Wards, District, Regional and Ministerial level leadership in the execution of all the afore-mentioned functions. Funded by DFID and supervised by Cambridge Education, The Mott McDonald Company a UK based organisation.
Programme Officer-Global Partnership for Education
Swedish Embassy
A supervising Entity of GPE Grants for Education support to the Government of Tanzania. Hence responsible for planning and budgeting of all programme activities and approving expenditure plans from the programme implementers (Government institutions) as well as monitoring and evaluating programme implementation and value for money. I designed Contributions and their monitoring and evaluation tools, and managed Education Programmes like pre-primary Program-TuTu (Tucheze na Tujifunze) (Play and Lean)-ECD Centres, improved pre-primary access to quality learning, improved learning environment during managing SIDA contributions in Zanzibar and Mainland-(LANES). Location: Sida-Dar es Salaam, Funded by Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
Bachelor Degree
University Level
I attended a Bachelors of Arts with Education where I learnt social science and education and graduated as a professional teacher. Among my subjects Gender Issues were one of the crosscutting subject.
Masters level
still on going as it was a part time/ evening programme, only remaining with one trimester.