Israel Mjwanga
About me
I am a social worker with robust experience in the field of Social welfare, and others experience in Accountant, Human Resources and Administration
Work Experience
Asisitant Administrator, Accountant and Human Resource officer
Nofota College of Health and Allied Sciences (NOCOHAS)
Duties performing ▪ To report to the collage principal or superior authority to be assigned duties to perform ▪ To prepare Books of Accounts ▪ To initiate payment and forward it for higher authority for necessary approvals ▪ To perform all administrative duties in regards to human resource management in terms of personal files, occupational contracts and preparation of monthly payment ▪ To conduct daily auditing of the income and expenditure exercises and record the same in appropriate books of accounts together with computerized system of THL accounting utilized by collage staffs. ▪ Administrator of THL Accounting and make sure the system is properly and accurately utilized by collage staffs. ▪ To assist admission office for inquiry, application forms and advises applicants accordingly ▪ To assist the collage management on professional manner of financial management, reporting and advice accordingly proper and prudent collage expenditure ▪ To conduct Bank reconciliation, prepare Income and Expenditure Statement, Monthly, quarterly and yearly management accounts and reports for the purpose of auditing and public consumption. ▪ To assist any other duties including admission, call center and assist students to get admitted to the collage ▪ To do any other duties assigned to you by the top management of the Collage administration as paid volunteer Assistant administrator, Human resource, and Accountant and Finance officer.
Social Worker Officer
Himiza Development Organisation (HDO)
Duties performed ▪ Attending different cases including maintenance case, family conflict ▪ Providing psycho-social support and counseling services to the client. ▪ Fighting against gender based violence and defending human right to all ▪ Providing awareness education to primary, secondary school and different community clubs ▪ Providing Legal support to the community member ▪ Preparing and Writing Project Proposal and organization
Census Clerk
National Bureau of statistic (NBS)
Duties performed: ▪ To recognize that the census clerk is the center of the entire population and housing census exercise ▪ To obey and adhere to the oath of confidentiality throughout the entire census exercise in response to the statistical law of 2022 chapter no. 351 ▪ To ensure that each one is counted and to get complete and correct answers to each question and to fill in the questionnaire as well as classifying people who are eligible to be counted. ▪ To communicate with the relevant local leaders as well as my supervisor in case i encounter any challenges in the exercise of counting people.
Bachelor of Social work and Social Administration
Bachelor Degree
I have completed my first Bachelor degree of social work and social administration at Kampala International University in Tanzania (KIUT)