Anatori Mhaluka

About me

I am a young dynamic and innovative as well as performance oriented person who is driven by ambition and grasp of reality.

Work Experience

Rujewa Secondary school 2020-09-01 - 2020-10-16 Teaching Geography and Kiswahili
Mbeya Secondary School 2021-08-30 - 2021-10-13 Teaching Geography


Bachelor degree 2019-10-25 - 2022-11-25 Bachelor of Art with Education at the University of Dar es Salaam
Advance Level
Advanced Certificate for Secondary School Education 2017-07-19 - 2019-05-10 Emanuel Nchimbi boys Secondary School - Songea -Ruvuma
Ordinary Level
Certificate for Secondary School Education 2013-01-07 - 2016-09-01 Mgama Secondary School
Primary school
Certificate for Primary school 2006-09-01 - 2012-09-19 Lupembe Lwa Senga Primary school
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