
Marie Stopes Tanzania (MST) is a sexual and reproductive health organization that provides services to men and women in Tanzania. MST is part of Marie Stopes International, a global organization that was established in 1989. 


  • Contraception: MST offers a variety of contraceptive methods, including long-acting and permanent methods 
  • Post-abortion care: MST offers post-abortion care following an unsafe abortion 
  • Maternity services: MST offers ante-natal care, maternity services, and postnatal care 
  • Reproductive health: MST offers health screening, cervical cancer screening, STI and HIV screening, and referral 
  • Child health: MST offers immunizations and child health checks 

Services for marginalized groups

  • MST works to improve access to contraception for people in rural areas, adolescents, young people, and those who are marginalized 
  • MST also empowers youth and adolescents by engaging them in activities and communication about sexual reproductive health 


  • You can call MST’s contact center on 0800 753 333
  • You can also consult with an online contraception counselor