Kyela Cooperative Union Limited

Kyela Cooperative Union Limited

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It is our belief that we only need to look into possible ways of achieving such objectives. The government looks at the Cooperatives as a tool of farmers for achieving their Social and Economic interests. Secondly, Cooperatives are instruments through which the government development issues can reach the farmers through general meetings, and any intended development can go through.

Objectives of the Union are:-

  • To Increase crop production through supply of seeds, farm inputs and implements.
  • Collective crop collection and joint marketing for better prices and low costs
  • Encourage savings among members and offer credit among themselves through formation of rural savings and credit cooperatives (now through marketing primary cooperatives.)
  • Support education and training by creation of education fund.
  • Carryout other businesses as directed by the members for the members social and economic interests.

Vision of the Union

KYECU LTD will bring back the glories of Primary Cooperatives Societies in the district by empowering them financially and economically so that they achieve the social and economic interests of their individual members.

Mission of the Union

The cooperative economic mission of Kyela Cooperatives Union Ltd is to enable its primary cooperatives across Kyela district to work cooperatively in applying cooperative principles by establishing viable financial autonomous development programs.

  1. Educate individual members for member empowerment and high degree of member participation in management of their societies.
  2. Assist high crop production in collaboration related ministers by supplying farm inputs, seeds and herbicides to members in time and at reasonable prices
  3. Encourage savings and credit cooperatives as source of credit to farmers among themselves
  4. Assist the farmers in establishing viable projects as to bring financial and economic achievement to them.
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