About me

I would like to apply for the vacant for the post of Data officer as it was published in mukikute website, I have 13 years’ experience working in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation,

Work Experience

Data Manager
Mukikute Organization 2020-10-01 - 2023-03-19 JOB PURPOSE: Managing KVP data at MUKIKUTE at Kigamboni District ,Conducting Monitoring and Evaluation activities especially data management and Data analysis, work to strengthen and support CHMT on data management such building capacity on data entry of KVP data to DHIS system. Managing the data officer during data entry into the Infolink ,DATIM,project Tracker , Data entry into DATIM and target setup for KVP data., Budgeting and planning
Field supervisor/M& E officer
MKUTA 2013-01-01 - 2015-12-31 JOB PURPOSE: Overseeing establishment of Pediatric TB at Kinondoni District and Kagera region by assessing and supervising TB clubs , Follow up of referral and linkages of TBHIV from gene expert to the center of excellence at Mwanayamara ,developing TB data checks for improvement of data quality, Oversees and produce quarterly report of the achievement against targets using the established set of Indicators APOPO project Ovesee the start up of APOPO project and volunteer daily activities. Collaborate with RHMT and CHMTs and regularly updating them on APOPO project in their respective areas, Collect and compile data and submitting them to APPO headquarter (SUA),Monitor the implementation of TB suspect registers and follow-up of TB patients, To strengthen all volunteers in reporting system, To provide technical support and build capacity to TB club members in the implementation of APPO project.
Data Officer
MKUTA 2011-01-01 - 2012-12-31 JOB PURPOSE: My role within the Organization includes assisting program manager in administrative work including human resource management, planning and budgeting, conducting supervision to TB clubs within the field. To provide technical support and building capacity of TB club members in the implementation of Community TB care project, Collect, compile and review the monthly report from TB club and submit them to MUKIKUTE Headquarter, Collaborate with the Regional Health Management Team, Council Health Management Team and Facility management team and regularly update them on project in their respective areas, Oversees and produce quarterly report of the achievement against targets using the established set of Indicators. Continued mentorship of TB Club coordinators, To strength capacity of TB clubs members in reporting and recording system(R&R), Representing MUKIKUTE management clubs monthly meeting, Monitor TB club members TB screening, TB suspect, referral, and ensure all TB cases notified are on treatment and follow up defaulters in the program target area., Participate in MUKIKUTE strategic planning session as required.
Mukikute Organization 2010-01-01 - 2011-12-31 JOB PURPOSE: Increase access to TB/HIV care and treatment services among drug user and KVP, VCT delivery and program management, Ordering and request of the test kit to the District HIV/AIDS coordinator and submitting monthly report, coordinating sensitization meeting to create awareness to the community about HIV/AIDs, counselling to specific target group and situation


Diploma in counselling psychology
Diploma 2007-01-01 - 2008-12-31 Awarded with Diploma certificate in Counselling Psychology at community Concern Training Institute _Nairobi
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