72 candidates for "Time Management"
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72 candidates for "Time Management"
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I am results oriented and committed to work. A detail oriented and proactive Administrative Officer with strong academic background in Development Administration and Management. I…
I am a hardworking, creative and committed individual who thrives on new challenges. I am able and interestedto learn new skills, working in a team…
- i set goals and work to achieve them. realisticaly goals that are challenging. -optimistic with positive attitude.always in positive mode. -can think rationally and logically about…
Fleet Management / Supply Chain Management / Logistics / Operations / Driver Training / Finances / Maintenance
Experienced professional with comprehensive knowledge spanning sales and marketing, warehouse management, and foundational understanding of accounts. Demonstrated success in driving sales growth, optimizing warehouse operations,…
Ms Colleta Kyaitela is an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) andEnvironmental Audit (EA) consultant. She graduated her master’s degree in EnvironmentalTechnology and Management (ETM)…
A dedicated and skilled Land Surveyor, GIS Analyst, and Environmental Consultant with overthree years of professional experience. Conducting precise measurement and mapping of landboundaries, topography…
An accomplished and versatile professional with over 3 years of experience leading complex, interdisciplinary projects across Tanzania and South Africa. Demonstrated expertise in managing research…